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Hey there! Thanks for stopping by, there is so much I want to talk about...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by, there is so much I want to talk about but really there is too much for this one post.. so let's just say that I'm on rough draft #42 regarding scheduling my time and time blocks. Forget about managing yourself, managing a new teen and pre-pre-tween along with running your own home biz AND having a part time job.. oh yeah. Much to do and not enough time.. but no one to blame but my self. Whether ignoring the signs, or getting in my own way.. Remember when I said that sometimes not even you can get in your way? Well, what happens to us all, happened to me and I let the stress over power me just so I can chill out with a bottle of sweet red. Needless to say this is an example of a good and bad thing.. the key is how we leverage what we know and who we know.

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The good thing is that this is what we strive for.. maybe not the wine part, but the 'doing what ever you want' part. The bad thing is, that my residual income is not what I want it to be yet, so I really shouldn't be indulging, but that's life. Deal with it and move on.. So here we are. I have been listening to some amazing videos and this woman is on FIRE! For some reason, she wants to empower women and help improve the world.. one person at a time. Basically, it's a movement of women uniting to free themselves and make their futures what they desire it to be.

Imagine a future where you can buy whatever you want or go where ever you want and not have to worry about the bills.. or your income! Truly such a dream is worthy to fight to make it a reality!

So this chicky is exactly what I needed to find. Yes, I'm a part of a great affiliate program that gives me the tools I need to make myself a better presence on the net, however, my spiritual path is much more different than the "normal day-to-day" mainstream path that I have had such a war within to be comfortable teaching and inspiring without the whole "rah-rah" personality. As a former alum from a high school that I'm not going to mention, I should know that coaches don't need to be nice or friendly.. or human. But there is a good balance when you accept all parts of yourself to exist within each other.

I know it sounds a little schizophrenic, but each one of us are multi-faceted beings. Some of us are more evolved than others and some of us are more mechanically inclined than others.. we all have our strong points and that's what we need to focus on. It is a point we can get hung up on and not even realize it but the key is to learn from it AND evolve.

Do you want to know the best part of being a successful entrepreneur? No matter what the government does.. short of calling martial law, you're set. No money worries. Financial security not THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!

Now I don't know if you can tell or not, but I do have a different energy to my work now. As much as I love the Dead and serving them, I gotta feed the family first. Selfish? Yes, but that is my WHY. No more worries when it comes to my babies.. as a single mother, it's a never ending stress.. thank goodness for my family!

And that's what the whole network marketing is all about. There are so many sheeple out there, we have our own little community where we can go and build each other up. Because really, in GOOD business, both parties win.. and the ideal situation is where we improve our planet and leave it healthier for our children's futures. So click here and join my little family and take the magic carpet ride with me as I rock it with Kristen and her ROCK YOUR BIZ BOOTY CAMP!

As always, thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment. Not on facebook but here, I'm testing a feature and I need your help. Thank in advance, kittens! If you have any questions, you know what to do. Hope you all are having an awesome evening and whatever your path, make it work for you!

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Sources For This Article

https://candyfrost.ca - Utilize guys on a regular basis.

Posted in Personal Development Post Date 11/09/2019






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