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Are you really the captain of your soul?

The really scary thing is that it happens incrementally bit by bit, we hand over the reigns of our life to outside forces, allowing them to shape our lives in ways that we never intended. Over time, the small decisions that we make add up.

For example, while it may not seem like a big deal to put off launching your business for a few months to take a lucrative contract after all, it will make you far more comfortable in the long run your decision marks a subtle shift in your priorities. You are prioritizing comfort over passion. You are letting the fear of lack dictate your choices, and steer you off the path that you originally envisioned for yourself. And while you tell yourself that it's just this once, the reality is that you're setting a precedent that can be hard to undo.

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You're Only Human (and so Am I)

For me, the fear of being wrong, and the possibility of subsequent judgement and failure are quite powerful. They have the ability to stop me dead in my tracks, and, if I'm being quite honest, keep me from taking full control of my life.

In all honesty, every day is a struggle against those forces. But the simple fact of being aware of their existence and their influence on my life helps me keep them at bay.

Every single one of us are subjected to these forces. And while they differ from person to person, the long-term effect of giving in to them is the same for every single one of us: not living the life that we truly want for ourselves.

Kid President on Robert Frosst

This message comes across loud and clear in Kid Presidents Pep Talk. In just under a year, this short video has been viewed nearly 30 million times. The call to action is simple: Stop being boring. Do something. Now is the time.

In a bid to inspire us to shake off the shackles of monotony, Kid President quotes the immortal Robert Frost from his poem The Road Not Taken :

Two roads diverged in the woods, and I took the road less traveled

AND IT HURT, MAN! Really bad! There we're rocks, thorns, and glass!

But what if there really we're two paths? I want to be in the one that leads to awesome.

This pint-sized president may not be old enough to vote, but his message is one that a lot of adults need to hear. Truthfully, it isn't always easy to fight back against our fears and concerns. Sometimes, there are rocks and thorns. Facing our deepest fears and anxieties can be paralyzing. But, as the saying goes, nothing worth having comes easy.

Life is nothing more than a series of choices. The choice to take the road that leads to awesome, the choice to embrace uncertainty and discomfort, or the choice to reclaim your power.

Make no mistake, your power is yours to hold or to give away. Staying steadfast in the face of challenges and pressures isn't easy, but it is the price we must pay in order to break the mold and live a satisfying life of our own creation.

So, let me ask you again:

Are you really the captain of your soul?

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Posted in Personal Development Post Date 01/17/2020






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