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Bad Things Can Happen When You Lose Your Focus


Have you ever been to the point when you are picking up momentum in your business and somehow get distracted?

And then that little distraction takes you farther away from your goal than you ever intended it to.

I have always enjoyed boxing but especially the heavyweights. I loved Ali because of his smooth fluid style.

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A few years later this kid came on the scene and he was absolutely a beast. He was Iron Mike Tyson. You had to be there at the start of the fight because most of them we're over in the first couple of rounds. It was brutal to be in the ring with him as you can see.

In his teen years he was a kid in trouble and landed in reform school where he learned how to box. At that time he met a man named Cus" D'Amato who developed a father/son relationship with him as well as his trainer and manager.

Which led to his professional career. No one could hang with him in the ring.

But that was short lived. D' Amato died in 1985 and that seemed to have a negative affect on Tyson along with his sudden fame at a young age.

He let himself lose his focus and get distracted with women, a bad marriage, domestic violence, rape charges, auto accidents, you name it..his loss of focus and the distractions cost him what I personally think could have been one of the best.

It's really a shame to watch someone do that to themselves.

But you and I can lose focus and be distracted without all the things that took Tyson down and still wonder what got us off track.

It could be just a little inconspicuous thing.

Maybe taking a vacation for a couple of weeks, not blogging while you are gone, getting out of the habit and not picking it back up when you get home. Funny how one or two weeks can quickly turn into one or two months.

Maybe a new demanding job that wears you out and then trying to balance it, family time and what's left over to your business.

A number of things but all I know that when that focus is lost it's almost like having to start all over from the ground up.

So let's never take our eyes off the prize and finish victorious my friend.

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Sources For This Article

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Posted in Personal Development Post Date 09/02/2019






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