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Slow Down and Tune In


It's summer here in Australia and while the people in Queensland are experiencing devastating floods, here in WA it's hot and dry. I've just come home from a lovely swim at the beach. I'm enjoying some peace and solitude today as my kids are having a day with their grandparents. Phew! These seven weeks of summer holidays certainly feel endless some days.

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Having a day to myself used to bring up plenty of inner conflict for me in choosing how to spend it. However,these days I quickly squash any notions of doing housework, grocery shopping or other mother-related chores. As soon as I waved goodbye to my children this morning I spent half an hour doing some gentle yoga, then I jumped into my bathers and walked to the beach for a swim. Walking home I spotted a fellow school mum in a cafe, so I stopped to have a chat with her. I then hurried home to listen to a live web-seminar with healer, Jo Dunning to discover that I was a week early. (Feel free to click on the link and register for this talk with complementary healing activations). Since then I have been playing around with my new blog site and getting a little uptight, as I am a complete beginner at this stuff. So I had a shower, hung out some washing (well, OK a little housework), ate some lunch and then sat down to write this blog.

I have shared all these pretty mundane details about my morning to illustrate how whenever I get the opportunity, I slow down and spend time alone, doing things I love. Time for ourselves is so precious when we become mothers and yet it seems to me that many of us don't realise we have the power to create this sort of time for ourselves simply by placing ourselves first in our lives. To me, being a good mother is about feeling calm, healthy, inspired, appreciative and loving around our families at least most of the time. Of course I still sometimes lose my patience over normal child antics and shout at my kids on the odd occasion. But overall, I am pleased to report that since realising that making time to exercise, meditate, take a yoga class, attend a song circle, put on some music and dance or do some writing, I am much more happy within myself and therefore healthier, more energetic and more creative.

I love spending time alone and I understand that many women find this idea challenging. However, even if you are a dyed-in-the-wool extrovert, the benefits of being alone and sitting in silent meditation or prayer for even ten minutes a day, can offer you a window into a whole new part of yourself that you may not have previously known.

I believe happiness and fulfillment in life comes from understanding yourself intimately and following your heart. So why not give yourself this gift of self-discovery? Once you make a start down this road, you will discover it gets easier and easier to look after your well-being and do things you love. And you can let go of feeling guilty about taking this time because not only will you feel better, your family will really enjoy having a calmer, happier mum too!

Love and blessings for the new year.

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Sources For This Article

https://epolos.com/ - Once again, i appreciate you for giving the pix.

Posted in Personal Development Post Date 08/14/2019






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