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2250 Markham Road, Unit 3, Scarborough ON M1B 2W4
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Why a Registered Dietitian?

A Registered Dietitian is the only regulated health professional in nutrition in Canada. Dietitians are food and nutrition experts who translate scientific, medical and nutrition information to practical dietary advice to help individuals and their families achieve better health.

As a regulated profession, Dietitians are held accountable to the highest standards of education and ethics, to deliver nutrition counselling and services based on sound scientific evidence, beyond food fads and gimmicks. Just like doctors and nurses, dietitians are accountable to provincial regulatory bodies (i.e.: College of Dietitians Ontario), whose responsibility is to protect the public and ensure high standard of practice.

 Tailored advice to meet your needs. Dietitians understand and respect the uniqueness of every individual.  A relationship between an RD and a client is a partnership, in which the client’s needs, social and medical history, preferences, and lifestyle are taken into consideration. The dietitian works to identify strategies that work best for you while using scientific nutrition information and clinical skills to support you.

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